Production Blog: Editing :(

 Hey guys, it's Alyssa. I finished all of my filming. However, there is definitely some tweaking that needs to be done. I'm currently editing my final task. My group decided to split the editing work between all three of us. This is the part where I'm unfortunately struggling. I'm not the best when it comes to technology. I usually struggle when it comes to anything remotely “tech savvy”. I'm trying my best but the editing is choppy, and not as smooth as I want it to be. I've been looking for help on YouTube. This has helped me tremendously. I hope that I can overcome my struggle. I honestly think that if I continue to watch tutorials that I'll be fine. At least I hope I will. All of this to say, I appreciate the efforts that my group has made throughout this project.  I'm sure we'll be fine. Anyway, I'll be on my way. Need to be editing instead of talking to you guys. Talk to you later. 


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