Production Blog: The Struggle

Hey guys, it's Alyssa. I've been working super hard on my final task. I've started filming already, and everything has gone smoothly. Except for one thing of course. I seem to have run into a block in my mind or something. While I'm done with everything for my finals task, I feel like something is missing. I don't know exactly what is missing, but I do know that something feels off. I don't know if i'll ever find out what that “something” is either. I guess i'll just have to deal with it. Aside from that though, everything has been great. The group has been working amazing together. What I'm working on now is the background music for my final task. Since my final task is a horror, I need to choose scary music. Unfortunately, I'm a perfectionist and need to find the perfect score for my finals task. Not to mention that I have  to pick music that perfectly fits with my final task, and keeps the audience engaged. But all of that seems to be the only things bothering me. I'm sure something new will come up, and I'm sure I'll tell you guys about it. Anywho, I think that's all I have to talk about. For right now at least. Ttyl guys!!


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